Keiki Great Aloha Run
By: Carina Nocon
13 April 2020
Courtesy: Hawaiʻi Pacific Health
Hundreds gathered at Ala Moana Beach Park on Saturday morning in their running shoes. The Keiki Great Aloha Run is an annual event that students, parents, and faculty run-- or walk-- to raise money for children's schools around the island.
In 2019, more than $17 thousand was raised and went toward improving children’s physical and mental health in their schools. The funds are used toward student nutrition education programs and physical education activities for students and their families. More than 150 schools receive proceeds from the run.
Jasmine Gonzalez, a Palolo Valley resident and mother of two, says “The run is always fun because the kids have a good time… it’s just beneficial for the whole community.”
Although there are two separate races-- a keiki one and the original one-- parents and family members can still participate in the keiki race. It is a family-friendly event that more than two-thousand people registered for over the years.
The run is put together by Race Director Brent Imonen and other staff.
The Keiki Great Aloha Run stems from the Great Aloha Run. Both formed under Hawaiʻi Pacific Health. This year marks the 36th year long tradition of the Great Aloha Run, and is the largest running event in Hawaiʻi with thousands of participants in both the regular and keiki runs.
The legislature passed a bill in January in regard to funding for nutrition-based programs in schools.